Build and scale
Building and scaling a business is not for the weak. It requires an uncommon amount of grit, self-belief, and a strong dose lot of humility. But…
Damn, it’s worth it.
When you get to the other side of a challenge, it feels so good to take a moment and appreciate the skills and resilience you built. I liken it to finishing a grinder of a workout, collapsing on the floor, and smiling while you catch your breath.
work with me
The first step into leadership is asking for help. If you're overwhelmed with too much to do, a high-performer will take things off your plate and give you the time and energy to focus on the work you love & need to prioritize. Whether you hired in the past or not, there are 1000s of ways to get this wrong. This step-by-step, easy-to-follow process guarantees you find a high-performer (and make it the easiest thing you've ever done in business).
"Before working with Lisa, I was feeling completely overwhelmed and burnt out. Her guidance and the support of the community have been game-changing. I finally feel like I have the tools and mindset to be the leader I know I'm capable of."
- Alicia, CEO
"When I bring a problem to Lisa it's because I don't see a way through it. In just 5 minutes, she's able to reframe the problem so it's clear and concise. We then spend the next 25 minutes exploring solutions I never would have thought of on my own. She brings out innovation I can't tap into without her. The next 15 minutes are always the hardest but the most necessary. It's the work of great leadership. She helps me see how I limit myself, my team, and my business by asking hard but necessary questions about my own leadership and growth. I always leave with clear action steps, a journal prompt, and the resources I need to move forward. It is the most transformative 60 minutes of my entire week."
- Ty, Founder & Inventor
"I've been part of other programs before, but working with Lisa is different. The level of expertise, empathy, and genuine care from Lisa is unparalleled. I'm so grateful to have found my her!"
- Tina, Realtor
"Lisa is the type of person who can speak to my Future Self - that 10.0 version of me - and channel them into my business. She helps me make better decisions, see possibilities, and stop accepting mediocrity."
- Claire, Operations Leader
"As a busy mom and entrepreneur, I was struggling to find balance and show up fully in all areas of my life. The leadership training and accountability Lisa provides has helped me strengthen my boundaries, boost my confidence, and achieve more without sacrificing my well-being." -
Erica, Digital Business Owner
Discover the missing piece in your business that’s keeping you stuck and the exact path to get you out of mediocrity and into million dollar leadership.
If you never have enough time or energy to do all the things your business needs, you are likely stuck at Level One. The first step is to stop overworking yourself to the point of burnout and get some damn help.
If you feel like managing people is often is more work than it’s worth, you’re likely stuck at Level Two. The next step is to stop looking for bandaid solutions and find the right fix.
Are you set up for WORLD-CLASS Leadership?
If you’ve settled in and accepted things are “fine”, you’re likely stuck at Level Three. Your final step is to stop accepting mediocre success and develop better leadership skills.
No matter what level your stuck in, the path to $Million Dollar Leadership is simple. If you want to be world class, you have to stop fighting for your limitations.
There is a better way to run your business.
… a better way to get the help you need.
… a better way to lead.
Join me for a Free Webinar:
The three-part process to be a world-class leader of a high-performing team.
Apply using the link above and complete the inquiry questions. Once we talk, we will both know if leadership coaching is what you need and if we are a good fit. This is a seriously committed relationship… not a long-term, long-distance, low-commitment, casual “situationship”.
Leadership and Business development start with you – whether you have employees or not. If you struggle with imposter syndrome, charging your worth, or viewing yourself as an industry leader, you won’t ever have people willing to follow you in any capacity. Think about the ways you can move your business forward by investing in yourself. Part of your business plan working with me will be to make your first hire. (Exciting, right?!)
Absolutely. I want to help you maintain your financial integrity as a business owner and make this investment work within your budget. The prices listed here are for the entire package. I do offer monthly payment plans for each.