When you’re drowning from all the things on your To Do list, the last thing you need is someone telling you to “try harder”. 

The long days, laying in bed at night stewing about work that is running out of time, and a laundry list full of never-ending tasks are pushing you to the brink of exhaustion. What you need is someone to help you get it all done.

Sound familiar?

Hey. I'm Lisa, and I work with small business owners and leaders who are frustrated by how hard they work but aren’t yet seeing the results they want.

That's where I come in. 

When there's so much to be done, how do you identify what someone else can do that won't make your job harder, but will free up time and energy to focus on what only you can do?

Wouldn't that be great?

Of course, but… how do you even start?

When you’re running a business, you get to a point that you can keep doing things the way you did as a brand new business owner. In order to be successful, you have to start focusing on three key elements:

  1. Creating more time, energy & focus to do your best work.
  2. Finding the right help.
  3. Developing leadership skills to support both you and your team.

The trouble is - how do you find it?

Before you can even think about scaling your business and achieve your vision of more money, time, and freedom, you first have to learn how to ask for help.

It sounds a lot like:

  • Overwhelm
  • Exhaustion
  • Burnout
  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • A depleted business and life

All of the things you DON'T want.

So instead of continuing to fight for your limitations…

That's why you work the way you do. It's why you are so driven. It's why you can do so many things.
You're just struggling to see exactly HOW to get there.

I have to be honest with you, thoug. Throwing more effort at your business is not what will get you there.

What if you were open and ready for something new?

A new way to run your business? A new way to find the right help? A new way to lead?

You see, this isn't about more…. it's about better.

You know better is possible.

If anyone can do it… 

If it's not the main reason clients are hiring you…

If it's not your Zone of Genius…
I hate to say it, but you shouldn't be doing it.

If you really want to do the work that you're the absolute BEST at — 

That doesn't mean you shouldn't CHARGE for it or that it shouldn’t be a part of your service delivery and client experience… it just means that YOU don't need to be the one who does it.

Because all those little tasks that eat up your time, energy and focus and the very things that suck the life out of you. They are the reason you are stuck.

you're starting to think like a smart business owner and leader.

Now, if you're wondering, "This sounds great, but how do I find help?"

And smart business owners and leaders know they don't win by only WOW-ing clients, they also win through others. They win by paying attention to their own needs… by asking for help… by finding the right people… by leading their business well.

If you're stuck because there’s zero margin in your time and energy and feel tapped out…

that tells me...

it's time to get some help.

That's exactly why I created


Who is this program for?

High-Performance is designed for small business owners who are:

  • Frustrated with too much on you plate
  • Overwhelmed, feeling like you can't do it all
  • Starting to feel resentful toward work
  • Want help, but don't know where to start
  • Looking to make more money without feeling maxed out on time
  • Master multi-taskers who need other people to help you solve problems
  • Want to work smarter, not just harder
  • Ready to find the right help and enjoy work again

If you're nodding your head to any of these, you're in the right place. If you're ready to transform your business through effective hiring and leadership, keep reading.


The focus of
high-performance is simple:

2) find the right help to will support your goals

1) create more time, energy, and capacitY to focus on your best work

3) become a confident leader.

Phase One of the program clarifies what work is truly worth your time and what's wasting it. Even though you can do all.the.things, you’ll get faster results by focusing where your time, energy, and capacity are best spent.

By analyzing what's yours to own and what's not, you’ll see what causes time, energy, and money leaks in your business. Identifying your “Work Zones” creates a foundation on which to build your ideal workflow, allowing you to time block for productivity & profitability. 
The result? 

You'll have a clear understanding of your highest and best use of time, energy, and skills and the help you need obvious, making you ready for Phase Two.

Time, Energy, and Capacity

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No more wasted time. No more bad hires. No more overwhelm. 
This program is all about implementation - getting your business to a high-performing level so you can thrive (instead of barely surviving).
We're going to solve the 3 biggest problems stopping you from growing your business: Overwhelming Workload, Hiring the Wrong Help, and Awkward Leadership.

In order to find have a high-performing team, we have to target these three barriers.

To get you out of the overwhelming workload, we focus first on 

(Information Overload is a NO GO!)

My priority is to help you build a high-performing team so only I’m giving you what you need to make that happen, and nothing you don't. 

Confident Leadership

In Phase Three, we design an onboarding and support process that doesn't overwhelm you or your new hire. Research suggests most people decide within the first few days of a new job if they made the right decision and will stay long term. If you aren’t dialed in these early days with confident leadership, you run the risk of losing a high-performer that can make a meaningful impact in your business.

Because of this, we cover the crucial first day, first week, and first month, ensuring they are successful as quickly as possible. I give you plug and play templates that support not only this person, but any additional person you hire in the future.

Again, I don’t want to waste time, money, and energy on someone who will leave inside a year. Yes, you need to hire the right person, but you also need to lead them.

A well-designed Success Plan is an evidence-based practice to ensure everything you need to make this happen. It gives you a clear plan for goal-setting, how to delegate work, build a great working relationship, and support them as they develop in your company.

Finally, you’ll learn how to be a a confident leader of a successful business who can manage both the business and the work with ease. This is what moves you out of task management and into world-class leadership.

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Once your plate is clear and you’ve identified the right help, I want to ensure you can effectively lead your high-performing team. 

As a business owner, it seems like you've got 2 options when hiring: Post a job and hope for the best, or keep doing everything yourself. Luckily there's a better way, which we'll create in Phase Two of the Perfect Fit Program.

First, we'll identify exactly what your business needs. No more guessing or hiring out of desperation. This is when you step into leadership and analyze the arms of your business and the gaps you need filled. You'll differentiate between needs and wants, clarify the exact role that’s perfect for your business.

Next, you’ll identify the exact blend of skills and values in your perfect hire so the right people who have what you want confidently step forward. You’ll learn how to ask the right questions to can sift through your options and find the perfect fit.

The result? 

100% confidence in your ability to identify and attract  high-performer for your business, without wasting time and money on a bad hire.

FIND the Right Help

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what is                 included

everything you need to build a high-performing team.

One of the key pieces I use in this program is weekly coaching calls. This is how I guarantee the success of this program. Instead of leaving you on your own to consume more information via a course, we meet every week to ensure you're implementing these strategies. This allows us to have really clear conversations and troubleshoot any challenges you face in real time.

My goal is simple: a high-performing team.

Between the content in the program along with our weekly calls, you’ll have everything you need to have a high-performing team.

enroll now

what is


1. Done for You Interview Questions ($97 value) - These are 30 customizable, research-based interview questions you can you with your next - or any - future hire to guarantee you select the right candidate for the role you need and the values you uphold as a business owner. Someone might be great on paper, but do they fit your culture? These interview questions will make it clear.

2. Your DiSC Leadership Profile ($997 value) - This is a comprehensive leadership profile that identifies your unique strengths as a business owner and leader, helping you leverage better business relationships, lead through challenges, and communicate more effectively - particularly when things get challenging.

3. Expert Interview Panel ($1997 value) - The first three people to sign-up for this next cohort will also get me on their interview panel! With me at your side during candidate interviews, you’ll get my expertise to help you select your perfect fit without uncertainty or hesitation. 

As a bonus, I’m also including three incredible add-ons that are worth more than the cost of the program.

perfecting  the          process

increase your profitability

Hopefully, this plan sounds good, but I want to be super upfront. My goal for transforming your business is both generous and selfish.

The generous part is, frankly, if you're not effectively delegating yet, this program is life-changing. The success you want is only possible when you have the right support in your business. I want to get work off your plate so you can enjoy what you do with energy, focus and inspiration.

I’ve been perfecting this process to help business owners like you reclaim your time, increase your profitability, and stay focused on your best work.

The proCess

The selfish part is that I love seeing businesses thrive. I want to give you a leg up so you can potentially work with me on even bigger goals in the future, inside my Next Level Mastermind (the next level of your business requires different skills, mindset & strategies).

Inside High-Performance, we focus on finding your perfect fit so you can get out of the weeds and into leadership. The weekly group calls allow us to meet together and talk about specific applications to your business and report on your results.

Inside our private online community, I’m in there with daily office hours, helping you real-time. You'll also join other business owners working toward similar goals. Around here, I truly believe you'll go further in a group than you will alone.

We're going to be working closely together to build your high-performing team, so I'd like you to be sure you have at least two hours a week to dedicate to this over the next eight weeks.

You can get started with The Perfect Fit for just $3,000 upfront or choose the payment plan of 6 monthly payments of $600.

payment plans

P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but I want to make sure you have all the tools you need to succeed with a high-performing team

Any time you invest time and money to work with a coach, there's a risk. What if it doesn't work? What if it's not as good as they said? What if Lisa's just full of sh*t?

Let's look at the best and worst case scenarios:

Over the next 8 weeks, you identify exactly what you need for a high-performing team. You find the right person. You onboard them effectively. You add massive value to your business. You get new skills, a ton of confidence, and the systems we install mean you can are equipped to hire anytime you need - for years to come!

That's the best case.

Maybe it doesn't work. Maybe you're a couple weeks in, and you decide it's not for you. Or the content isn't quite right, or maybe you jumped too soon, or you decide this approach isn't what you expected...

If that’s the case, anytime in the first 30 days just let me know, and I'll refund you 100% of what you've paid. No questions asked.

You get to keep all the materials we've covered up to that point. You'll be smarter, and still have the skill sets... But you won't have to pay for it at all.

Now there's no risk to get started, is there?

If you'd like to work together, click the button here I'll get you all set up to join our next cohort.

But what about the worst case?

As an added bonus, I’ll give you access to my FREE TRAINING & GUIDE: "How to host a kick-ass one-on-one that doesn't feel like a waste of time." This guarantees you maintain great communication and effective leadership long after the program ends.

“I'm so glad I have you walking me through this... I know I would not be transitioning like this if I didn't have you. I would still be stuck. I would still be stressed. If I hadn't found you... I wouldn't know what this could look like”.
- Hanna M.

Ditch the Overwhelming Workload:


student brags

“I wanted to learn more about myself and how I can better interact with clients.
Working with Lisa was helpful to know I have certain tendencies, as does everybody.
I can use those personality traits for good, instead of thinking they are holding me back. Her training was very valuable. Lisa knew all the ins and outs of my results.”
- Kim H.

Find the Right Help:

“I wanted to dig deeper into DiSC and learn from Lisa. It was so helpful to understand my core values and go back to them when I'm feeling off. I also understand others more now using DiSC. If you're considering working with Lisa, absolutely do it! Jump in, be vulnerable and true to yourself and you 100% walk away feeling refreshed.” -
 Tiana M

Step into Confident Leadership:

Find the Perfect Fit   /  Find the Perfect Fit   /  Find the Perfect Fit   /  Find the Perfect Fit / Find the Perfect Fit / high-performance | high-performance | high-performance | high performance | high-performance | high-performance

it's time to build a 
high-performance business

it's time to build a